Watercraft Shoreline Test
Watercraft Shoreline Test
Each Unit (number)
Number of exceedances and exceedance rate (exceedances per day and per year) of the single noise event, watercraft shoreline test threshold standard measured in A-weighted decibel (dBA).
Number of exceedances and exceedance rate (exceedances per day and per year) of the single noise event, watercraft shoreline test threshold standard measured in A-weighted decibel (dBA).
This Indicator is reported in the following LT Info areas:

The average number of documented exceedances per day for motorized watercraft determined by the shoreline test (greater than 75 dBA). 

Source: TRPA shorezone monitoring data.

Name Options
Watercraft-Shoreline Test

Program Noise - Shorezone


TRPA regulalry monitors noise in the shorezone from motorized watercraft at up to ten locations around Lake Tahoe. Noise monitors are deployed for at least two weeks during peak boating season which occurs July 4th to Labor Day. Noise monitors automatically record all single noise events that exceed 75 decibles (dB), the noise limit for shorezone areas. Afterward, all noise events exceeding 75 dB are listened to by a noise technician to distinguish noise exceedancs from watercraft and non-watercraft. Noise monitors are regularly calibrated to industry standards to ensure accuracy. 

To download all of the shoreline noise data on this page please see Tahoe Open Data.


Associated Programs data not provided.