Northern Goshawk Population Sites
Goshawk Population Sites
Each Unit (number)
W1: Provide a minimum of 12 Goshawk population sites.
W8: Provide disturbance zones in the most suitable 500 acres surrounding nest site including a 0.25 mile buffer centered on nest sites, and influence zones in 3.5 mi for Goshawk.
Evidence of TRPA support for Management Standard.
This Indicator is reported in the following LT Info areas:

Number of reproductively active northern goshawk territories recorded during surveys in the Lake Tahoe Basin (1997 to 2019) relative to TRPA's threshold standard of 12 population sites. Due to vast differences in survey effort each year, there are no known trends in the population.

U.S. Forest Service

Name Options
Goshawk Population Sites

Program Northern Goshawk Population Sites Monitoring


Portions of known and potential northern goshawk habitat are surveyed following well-accepted protocols including a combination of dawn acoustic surveys, stand search surveys, and broadcast surveys. Recent survey work has been conducted in response to proposed projects and has been primarily focused at assessment of project level impacts, not assessment of population status and trends in the Tahoe Basin. The last full population survey was completed in 2010. 


Associated Programs data not provided.