

This project focuses on the measurement of fine particle capture efficiencies in a laboratory flume using analogs of the vegetation present in an SEZ. The laboratory flume offers the ability to vary flow rate, substrate density, stem width, particle concentration, and presence/absence of biofilms in a repeatable fashion and to measure the changing particle size distribution and particle concentration over time. The size-specific removal efficiencies that can be calculated in this way can then be used as the basis for assigning removal efficiencies in any SEZ in the LTB, based on site-specific flowrate, vegetation type and density, and initial particle concentration.


Patricia Maloney (pemaloney@ucdavis.edu)
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Location Information Location Notes


EIP Details

EIP Basics - P073: Fine Particle Capture by Synthetic Vegetation in a Laboratory Flume

Performance Measures

Expected Performance Measures

Expected Performance Measures

No expected performance measures set for this project.

Reported Performance Measures

Reported Performance Measures

No annual performance measure accomplishments entered for this project.


Expected Funding

Expected Funding

Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act (Pacific Southwest Research Station) (USFS - PSW) $143,290 $143,290 $0
Grand Total $143,290 $143,290 $0

Reported Expenditures

Reported Expenditures
Total 2013 2012 2011 2010
Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act (Pacifi... $143,290 $35,823 $35,823 $35,822 $35,822
Grand Total $143,290 $35,823 $35,823 $35,822 $35,822



No photos available.

Other Details


No watersheds set for this project.

Threshold Categories

  • Stream Environment Zones (SEZs) by their nature only impact sediment removal at times of increased stream flow and stage, when sediment-laden streamwater is flowing through a cross-section comprised of both bare stream channel and the vegetated overbank area. While sediment transport relationships for the bare stream channel are well understood, the removal of fine sediment (and associated nutrients) by the vegetation is poorly understood.

Local and Regional Plans

No Local and Regional Plans set for this project.

Related Projects

Related Projects

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External Links

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09/13/2017 11:26 AM Kiara Cuerpo-Hadsall Objectives:

This study focuses on the trapping of particles by vegetation, specifically using laboratory flume experiments to measure the rate of particle capture by emergent vegetation for a range of particle sizes and flow conditions. By reporting capture rates and discussing the effects of particle size, the existence of biofilm, flow velocity, stem density, and initial particle concentration on particulate trapping, the results demonstrate which variables are most important to particulate capture and help inform modelers and floodplain restoration efforts.

09/13/2017 11:26 AM Kiara Cuerpo-Hadsall Findings:

• This study examines the process of particle removal from a continuous distribution of particle sizes in a laboratory flume using submerged, synthetic vegetation. The particle size distribution embraced the size range 1.25 – 109µm, and was provided from road dust removed from roadways in the Lake Tahoe Basin.

• Flow velocity, initial particle concentration, stem density, and presence of biofilm were found to have statistically significant effects on the rate of particle capture. The rate of particle trapping increased with stem density and the presence of biofilm and decline with increasing flow velocity.

• Our experimental results show that L50 (the distance on the floodplain over which half of the particles drop out of suspension) increases with flow velocity and decreases with particle size. This means that the effectiveness of trapping by plants increases as flow velocity decreases and particle size increases.

• L50(s,f) also decreased with increasing particle size and increased with flow velocity (i.e it required a longer distance for fifty percent of the particles to be removed from the water). This tendency for particles to be more effectively removed by settling as flow velocity decreases and particle size increases is well known. However, it is worth noting that L50(p) for 9.9µm particles is less than L50(s,f) .

• This demonstrates that trapping by plants may be more effective than settling and flocculation combined for 9.9µm particles. The combined effects of settling, flocculation and plant capture result in the smallest L50 distances.

In summary, all the tested factors: biofilm, flow velocity, initial particle concentration, the presence of plants, and plant density are statistically significant to particle capture.
09/13/2017 11:25 AM Kiara Cuerpo-Hadsall Management Implications:

No management implications were discussed.

09/13/2017 11:25 AM Kiara Cuerpo-Hadsall Publications: www.fs.fed.us/PSW/partnerships/tahoescience

Kristen Fauria, Fine Particle Capture by Synthetic Vegetation in a Laboratory Flume, Masters Thesis, University of California – Davis, 2013.