

KGID maintains 22 miles of roadway within the Lake Tahoe Basin. The purchase of a new high efficiency street sweeper will enhance KGID’s ability to maintain its roadway system, which will ultimately help Douglas County reduce the flow of fine sediment to the lake and meet its required TMDL mandate. The County has registered KGID's road network within the Stormwater Tools and will receive TMDL credit for road operations, as long as the road score is at 3.0 or above. KGID will enter into a contract with Douglas County to sweep the roads according to an approved sweeping schedule. See https://stormwater.laketahoeinfo.org/RoadRegistration/Detail/3 for more information.


Courtney Walker (cwalker@douglasnv.us)
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Location Information Location Notes
Kingsbury GID jurisdiction


EIP Details

EIP Basics - Kingsbury General Improvement District (KGID) Street Sweeper

This project is on the EIP 5-year list.

Lake Clarity Details

Lake Clarity Basics

Lake Clarity Basics

Urban Stormwater Questionnaire

The Urban Stormwater Questionnaire is not relevant because this project is not seeking voter-approved bond funding through the State of California consistent with the Stormwater Resource Plan (SRP).

Transportation Details

Transportation Basics

Transportation Basics

Estimated Budgets

Estimated Budgets

No budgets have been entered for this project.

Performance Measures

Expected Performance Measures

Expected Performance Measures
Miles of Street Sweeping [Equipment Type: High-Efficiency Vacuum-Assisted Dry Sweeper], [Property Ownership: Douglas County] 22 miles

Reported Performance Measures

Reported Performance Measures
Miles of Street Sweeping
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Units
Equipment Type Property Ownership
Regenerative Air Douglas County 44 22 22 22 22 132 miles
Total 44 22 22 22 22 132 miles


Expected Funding

Expected Funding

319 Funds (USEPA) $305,000 $305,000 $0
AQ Mitigation Funds (TRPA) $125,000 $125,000 $0
Douglas County General Fund (DGCO) $70,000 $70,000 $0
Unknown or Unassigned $100,000 $100,000 $0
Grand Total $600,000 $600,000 $0

Reported Expenditures

Reported Expenditures
Total 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
AQ Mitigation Funds $125,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $125,000
Douglas County General Fund $190,000 $10,000 $150,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000
Nevada Division of Environmental Protection $170,000 $0 $15,000 $0 $0 $155,000
Grand Total $485,000 $10,000 $165,000 $10,000 $10,000 $290,000



Other Details


No watersheds set for this project.

Threshold Categories

  • High efficiency street sweepers remove road dust, thus improving air quality.
  • Street sweeping has been shown to reduce the amount of fine sediment particles flowing to Lake Tahoe.

Local and Regional Plans

Related Projects

Related Projects

No Related Projects set for this project.

External Links

No external links entered.


01/09/2024 12:45 PM Courtney Walker Douglas County expanded the KGID road registration, but due to the high snow year was unable to perform the required number of Road RAM measurements. Therefore no credit will be given for WY 2023.
12/22/2022 10:23 AM Courtney Walker KGID recently purchased an additional sweeper. There is not an option in this platform to select Kingsbury General Improvement District, so Douglas County General Fund was inserted. Additionally, the Road Operations Plan would be good to upload, however, you cannot add a custom plan, only one from the drop down list.
11/02/2018 11:32 AM Courtney Walker Douglas County has an Interlocal Agreement with NDEP to implement the Lake Tahoe Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL). One way to achieve pollutant load reduction of fine sediment particles (FSP) is through advanced road operations. Douglas County only performs road maintenance on seven miles of roads within the Lake Tahoe Basin.

KGID maintains 22 miles of roadway within the Douglas County portion of the Lake Tahoe Basin. KGID has limited staff, equipment and funding to increase pollutant recovery from the roadways. Currently, KGID's fleet contains one street sweeper that is about 10 years old. When a maintenance need on the sweeper arises, the sweeper can be out of commission for several weeks, missing key sweeping opportunities between precipitation events. As a way to assist KGID in the implementation of the TMDL mandate that Douglas County is required to meet, Douglas County proposes to use cash match using TRPA Air Quality Mitigation Funds to assist KGID with purchasing an additional street sweeper.