

This 3 phase project will accelerate the implementation of the improvements identified in the 2014 Burke Creek-Rabe Meadow Complex Master Plan and the Kahle Drive Vision. Any expenditures and performance measures should be reported in each individual project. Phase 1 Kahle Water Quality Basin Implementation is complete, Phase 2 Kahle Complete Street will convert Kahle Drive to a Complete Street and raise the grade of the road to improve capture of stormwater, and Phase 3 Creek/Rabe Meadow Riparian Resoration will restore a straight line stormwater ditch at the end of Kahle Drive to a functioning meadow/SEZ.


Meghan Kelly (mkelly@ntcd.org)
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Location Information Location Notes


EIP Details

EIP Basics

Lake Clarity Details

Lake Clarity Basics

Lake Clarity Basics

Urban Stormwater Questionnaire

The Urban Stormwater Questionnaire is not relevant because this project is not seeking voter-approved bond funding through the State of California consistent with the Stormwater Resource Plan (SRP).

Transportation Details

Transportation Basics

Transportation Basics

Estimated Budgets

Estimated Budgets

No budgets have been entered for this project.

Performance Measures

Expected Performance Measures

Expected Performance Measures
Miles of Roads Decommissioned or Retrofitted [Property Ownership: Douglas County], [Road Type: Paved], [Treatment Type: Retrofitted] 0.5 miles
Acres of SEZ Restored or Enhanced [Action Performed: Restored] 2 acres
Miles of Pedestrian and Bicycle Routes Improved or Constructed [Action Performed: Constructed], [Path or Route Type: Sidewalk] 1 miles
Miles of Pedestrian and Bicycle Routes Improved or Constructed [Action Performed: Designated], [Path or Route Type: Class II/Bike Lane] 1 miles
Miles of Utility Lines Buried Underground [Scenic Roadway Unit: Stateline], [Unit Attainment Status: Non-Attainment] 0.5 miles

Reported Performance Measures

Reported Performance Measures

No annual performance measure accomplishments entered for this project.

No accomplishments to report for:
Year(s) 2019
Explanation All accomplishments will be reported on in one of the 3 phases that came out of this main project.


Expected Funding

Expected Funding

No funding sources identified for this project.

Reported Expenditures

Reported Expenditures

No expenditures have been reported for this project.



Other Details


No watersheds set for this project.

Threshold Categories

  • The larger project will improve the condition of Kahle Drive.
  • The project adds sidewalks and bike lines increasing the active capacity.
  • 0.5 miles of utilities undergrounded
  • Restore 1700 linear feet/2 acres of SEZ from a stormwater ditch to a meadow
  • The project will improve treatment stormwater runoff from Kingsbury Grade, Kahle Drive and Highway 50.

Local and Regional Plans

No Local and Regional Plans set for this project.

Related Projects

Related Projects - Burke Creek Watershed Stormwater Improvements is associated with following groups of projects.

External Links

No external links entered.


11/25/2020 9:25 AM Beth Vollmer Edited project numbers in description to updated EIP numbers
02/14/2020 1:53 PM Beth Vollmer Moved all remaining expected funding and expenditures into phase 2: Kahle Complete Street Project, except for the USFS expected funding which needs to be split between phase 2 and phase 3.
The expecting funding of $147k from USFS - $27k is secured for Kahle Complete Street and is reported in that project. 120k is for the Burke Creek Riparian. USFS has all $147k in the Burke Riparian though, so may want to delete it from Kahle Complete street. It comes down to designing the tie-in between the 2 projects.
This project acts as the main project and is now phased out. All the work is not yet complete. It will be reported on in each individual phase of the project.
01/06/2020 11:42 AM Meghan Kelly Kahle Complete Street and Kahle Ditch Rabe Meadow Riparian Restoration are part of this project as well as examining filling Jennings Pond.
12/19/2017 3:58 PM Meghan Kelly For unsecured funding, this project has high momentum and the project proponent will be try to secure funding from many sources.
09/05/2017 11:10 AM Courtney Walker Project scope has been revised by Courtney Walker, Douglas County.